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John H Ogle

John H Ogle, son of William and Lucretia (Butler) Ogle, was born in Stark county in 1840. His father was born in Ohio in 1810. His mother was born in Vermont the same year, and with her parents emigrated from Vermont. They were married in 1835 and shortly after came to the wilderness of Spoon river, engaged in agriculture until 1856 when they moved to Toulon, where Mrs. Ogle is today a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and William one of the leading citizens, as related in the history of Toulon and in the general history. John H. spent his youth as other pioneer boys. In his eighteenth year he entered Rock River Seminary, and, after a full course engaged in school teaching in Stark county. In his twenty-third year he married Miss Diantha W., daughter of Job and Diana Shinn, the father being a Virginian and the mother a native of New Hampshire. Of seven children born to this marriage, six are living: William S., Lucretia D., Mary E., Laura, Diantha, John C. and Marcia (deceased). Mrs. Ogle, the mother of this excellent family, died September 7,1880, In 1882 the widower married Miss Anna, daughter of Hugh and Ann (Galbraith) Winn, born in 1843, to whose family full references are made in the histories of Goshen and Toulon and in the general history. To this marriage two children were born: Robert and Maggie R. In religious matters Mr. Ogle is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in society matters a member of the Blue Lodge at Toulon, and in all township and county affairs an interested and just exponent of the cause of right. His farm of 611 acres, in Essex, is considered very valuable and well improved—all the work of his own hands.