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Henry Springer

Henry Springer, the third surviving child of George and Christina (Fautz) Springer, was born on the old homestead December 5, 1847. At the age of twenty-two he married Miss Araminta M. Miller, daughter of Henry and Lucinda (Mills) Miller. This lady was born May 27, 1850, in Princeville township, Peoria county. Her father was a Carolinian, who in his youth moved with his German parents to Kentucky, and thence to Peoria county in 1837, where he met and married Miss Mills, a native of Tennessee, where her mother died when she was two years old. She was taken care of and raised by a relative at Princeville, Hi. From the age of thirteen to the age of twenty-two, when she was married, she labored for herself. After her marriage with Mr. Miller they settled on the old farm, where their thirteen children, nine of whom are living, were raised and educated. Mrs. Springer remained with them until her marriage, when she, with her husband, took up her residence on section 34, and built a small house there. Their home is said to be one of the happiest in the county. Of their four children two are living — John H. and Nellie E. Mr. Springer is republican in politics. For five years he has served as commissioner of highways, and still fills that office