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D. K. Fell

D. K. Fell, son of James and Isabella (Kyle) Fell, was born in Roxburghshire, Scotland, November 22, 1842. Some years later the father died there, and in the summer of 1852 the widow (now eighty-one years old) and children came to America and settled in Elmira. She now lives with her children. The eldest son, William, emigrated from Scotland to the Falkland Islands, and thence to South America in 1854, and has resided there since; James is in Henry county, Margaret and Isabella in Toulon, Elizabeth in Harrison county, Mo., Robert in Toulon township, Elliot in Clay county, Neb., Adam, deceased; D. K. in this county, Walter at Chicago, and Jemima in Erie county, O. Adam G. Fell served with Company B, Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, and Company K, Fourth United States Cavalry, as related in the military chapter, was made prisoner near Atlanta in 1864, and endured the horrors of prison life at Andersonville, Milan, and Florence, Ala., and died while en route home at Annapolis, Md. Robert also served in the same commands until the close of the war; Walter was in the One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth, and served with his command to the close. D. K. Fell was educated here, and worked on rented farms until 1866, when he purchased 160 acres, to which he has added 200 acres here and 160 in Nebraska. He married, August 27, 1867, Miss Helen, daughter of Thomas and Isabella Jackson, natives of Roxburghshire, Scotland, and to them eight children have been born: Adam G., Thomas F., William A., Jennette L, Elizabeth H., Mary A., Henry O., and Luella, deceased. In politics he is Republican.