J. T. Gardner
J. T. Gardner settled on the west line of Toulon in 1866, purchasing at this time seventy-six acres there. In 1880 he sold this farm and purchased his present eighty acres in Goshen. He was born in Adams county, Pa., March 27, 1833, of which county his parents, Barnhart and Mary Gardner (whose maiden name was Mary Trostle) were natives. T. J. Gardner learned the miller's trade from his father, and worked with him in his mill until 1854, when he came to Fulton county, Ill. He was engaged in agriculture there until 1862, when he moved to the Pacific coast, and there, in Oregon and Idaho, was engaged in mining until 1865, when he mounted an Indian pony and made the return journey to Fulton county in safety. In 1855 he married Miss Philura Bliss, to whom four children were born, three of whom are living, namely: Alice, Eddy and George. His wife and two children are members of the Methodist church of Toulon. Politically Mr. Gardner is a Republican, and while voting with his party on all questions, never fails to recognize what is just in the principles or platform of his opponents.